Watch Magic Pro Marcio Carvalho Return a Creature With Ajani That Was Supposed to be in Exile at Mythic Championship

Wizards of the Coast

At the Magic: The Gathering Mythic Championship I at Cleveland, Ohio, Magic professional player Marcio Carvalho was caught on doing an illegal move on video during his match against the Japanese pro player, Yoshihiko Ikawa.

As you can see on the Twitch clip above, Ikawa played Cry of the Carnarium to wipe out Carvalho's creatures and all the creatures it killed were supposed to be exiled but Carvalho brings back one of his creatures (Dauntless Bodyguard) with Ajani, Adversary of Titans as if it was from the graveyard.

Here are the cards for your reference:

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Of course, that was illegal move and I'm surprised that the commentators didn't catch that mistake on camera. It's hard to believe that Carvalho, one of the 32 members of the Magic Pro League (each paid $75,000 each to compete and stream), didn't notice that he couldn't resurrect his creature after his opponent played Cry of the Carnarium.

We don't know if the illegal move was done intentionally or not but Carvalho doesn't have a spotless record. Back in the 2014 World Magic Cup, Carvalho was disqualified for intentionally presenting an illegal deck.

Carvalho made it to Top 8 of the Mythic Championship at Cleveland, by the way, but lost to Luis-Scott Vargas in the quarterfinals.

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