Magic: The Gathering Head Designer Reveals Design Stages For Upcoming Sets

Wizards of the Coast

Wizards of the Coast's Magic: The Gathering designers usually begin designing Magic sets a few years before they're released, so if you're wondering what the Research & Design team are working on right now, Magic head designer Mark Rosewater will enlighten you.

Responding to a fan question on his Blogatog, Rosewater revealed the design stages of the upcoming Magic sets but he didn't reveal the actual titles of each set, just the codenames. Here's what Rosewater revealed:

Archery is just about complete.
Baseball is in late set design/play design.
Cricket is in mid set design.
Diving is in mid set design.
Equestrian is in early set design,
Fencing is in vision design.
And Golf (Yes, that's the name of the 2021 October set) just started exploratory design.

This is an interesting look at the time it takes for Magic sets to reach certain milestones. The codenames of the sets don't necessarily reflect their themes but as you can see, they're all about sports. The annual Core sets don't seem to be included in this setup so for your reference, here are the codenames for the upcoming Standard sets:

Archery: Fall 2019
Baseball: Winter 2020
Cricket: Spring 2020
Diving: Fall 2020
Equestrian: Winter 2021
Fencing: Spring 2021
Golf: Fall 2021

The next set is called War of the Spark, and it's the third consecutive Magic set that's set in the world of Ravnica and it will focus on the epic war between Nicol Bolas and the Gatewatch. Its codename was Milk, so don't rely on the sets' codenames to get an idea what they're all about.

Are you excited for the upcoming Magic sets?

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