Gaming Stores in Southeast England Sends Open Letter To Wizards of the Coast For War of the Spark Pre-Release Conflict Schedule With MagicFest London

Wizards of the Coast

Following the announcement that MagicFest London and the second Mythic Championship of the year will be on the same weekend (April 26-27) as the pre-release events for the next Magic: The Gathering set War of the Spark, the gaming stores of Southeast England have shared an open letter to Wizards of the Coast to bring up their concerns about how the schedule conflict of Magic events is hurting their community.

Over on Redditor, user Lozzipoos has posted an open letter addressed to the publishers of Magic and from the gaming stores of UK including The Consulting Gamer, Ashford Dice & Destiny, Canterbury Elite Gaming, Dover The Grumpy Goblin, and Ramsgate.

"Pre-Release events are one of the stars on our calendar, we mark them out months in advance because they're so popular," the letter reads. "They're part of the life-blood of the community around here, universally adored by all. Everyone has been excited for War of the Spark, the culmination of years of storyline!"

"We're kind of upset though, because your announcement of MagicFest London being on the pre-release weekend is going to hurt us, events of this scale don't come around all that often and we know how much our players look forward to them - gosh, WE look forward to them ourselves! But not this time, we just can't. We're sorry, we want to…"

The letter went on to describe how the schedule conflict would affect their gaming stores. "This time we're between a rock and a hard place. The clash is going to impact our livelihoods in a way that doesn't feel fair, that doesn't feel right. We've got a favour to ask you, because we figure in many ways we've done you a few across the years - and that you might be kind enough to help us make the most of a bad situation."

The letter concludes with a request for Wizards to give them a pre-pre-release on the Saturday before MagicFest London. "Wizards, would you please give each gaming store in the UK a Pre-Pre-Release, the Saturday before the MagicFest London?"

You can read the full letter below:

An Open Letter to WotC from Gaming Stores in SE England.

Hopefully, the stores in the UK and the Magic players will get the best pre-release or pre-pre-release experience they deserve.

Related: Wizards of the Coast Addressed the Impact of Magic: The Gathering Arena on MTGO to A Player