Lucasfilm Is Set To Release Star Wars Audio-Only Novel For Dooku And Asaj Ventress

Star Wars prequel fans are in for a treat this week. There's a brand new Star Wars novel set to explore the backstory of Attack of the Clones villain Count Dooku and Clone Wars Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress.

Lucasfilm just announced a new Star Wars novel today by Cavan Scott titled Dooku: Jedi Lost. While new novels aren't entirely, well, novel, this new entry by Scott marks itself as an audio-only novel, meaning fans are going to get a story which they can follow while driving, exercising, or while doing other mindless work.

According to the Verge,Dooku: Jedi Lost will follow the journey of Asaj Ventress as she tries to uncover Dooku's past, learning why the Jedi Master decides to leave the Jedi Order. For those who aren't familiar with the two, Dooku first appears in Attack of the Clones and later on appears frequently along with Ventress in Lucasfilm's Clone Wars animated series.

Now, it looks like Scott's novel is going to give fans a little context for the two's relationship in the series, shedding light in an unexplored part of the Star Wars franchise's canon. Dooku's history might have previously been explored in comics and in books like Darth Plagueis, however, these stories came before Disney acquired Lucasfilm. Unfortunately, the Expanded Universe has been considered non-canon ever since the Mickey Mouse House made the decision to purchase the Star Wars franchise, so now we know less about Dooku.

Dooku: Jedi Lost is set for release on April 30.

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