The Black Panther franchise suffered a massive blow following the untimely death of lead star Chadwick Boseman in 2020. Despite that, Marvel Studios reassured the MCU fandom that the supposed sequel will still move forward without T'Challa, an idea that has divided a lot of folks. But just as production for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is finally picking up, the project experienced another setback late last year when Letitia Wright got herself injured on set.
The problems don't end there as the Shuri actress has been under fire for months now over her alleged stand against COVID-19 vaccines. Reports even circulated last October that the 27-year-old actress has been espousing her anti-vax views on the set of the MCU epic, a rumor that Letitia would eventually dismiss.
Now, a huge update regarding Wakanda Forever and Wright's status just made its way online. According to the latest report from BBC News, Disney has officially confirmed that Letitia has fully recovered from her injury and is now back on set to resume filming. The controversies surrounding the actress have remained unaddressed but this new development pretty much confirms that Shuri isn't going anywhere.
Also Read: Black Panther 2: Letitia Wright's MCU Future Reportedly in Jeopardy
The House of Mouse has been notorious for reprimanding its employees who air their controversial views, most notably Gina Carano who was fired last year from the Star Wars franchise following her social media behavior that has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I'd like to assume that Disney talked things out with Letitia which is why she was able to dodge the same fate. Of course, not everyone will be thrilled with their decision to keep her but it is what it is.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is currently slated for release on November 11, 2022.