Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Official Box Art Revealed to Coincide with May the 4th

Now that fans have Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in their hands, the next new Star Wars game everyone is waiting for is Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which will detail the nine-part story with Lego and fun gameplay. Little has been shown in terms of gameplay, though it looks like this won't be your typical Lego game which, ironically, started with Lego Star Wars of all things.

As we wait for some gameplay footage, the kind folks at Brick Fanatics have unveiled Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga's box art. It's a solid piece of work that tries to showcase the three trilogies that players will be able to play when they get the game. Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader are easily the biggest focus of the art since, well, they're the biggest characters in this franchise and are represented as giants that the new characters have to live up to.

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Credit: Lego/LucasFilm/TT Games

While most of the focus seems to be on the original trilogy and the Disney era movies, there is some love shown to the prequel era. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, C-3PO, and various clones are shown partaking in the exciting climax of Attack of the Clones, which is the only good part of that movie. The lack of Hayden Christensen's Anakin is disappointing but Darth Vader is there anyway.

Sadly, no release date for Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has been announced, though it will be coming out on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch. If you're in need of some licensed Lego fun, try out the Lego Marvel Super Heroes or Lego Batman games. The most recent game in the Lego Star Wars lineup was Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

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