Star Wars: Rogue One Reference in The Clone Wars Confirms Ahsoka Separation from the Jedi

We already know that Ahsoka Tano would eventually turn her back on the Jedi. However, the latest episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 confirmed she hasn't completely abandoned the Force and this was proven by an unexpected Rogue One: A Star Wars Story reference.

In Shattered, Ahsoka actually had a meeting with the Jedi Council where she confirmed she captured Maul while doing her duty as a citizen. When Yoda asked if she didn't do it as a Jedi, she stated that she was "not yet" ready for that. This was later proven when she had to save herself from Clone Troopers who have been activated by Order 66.

Ahsoka's effort to remove the Inhibitor Chip from Captain Rex was a dramatic one as the droids were having a difficult time finding it. In desperation, Ahsoka tried to connect with Rex using the mantra, "I'm one with the Force and the Force with me." Star Wars fans were quick to recognize the line as the same one that Chirrut Imwe kept repeating in Rogue One.

So what does it all mean? It's best to remember that Chirrut was a Guardian of the Whills who sought harmony with the Force. Chirrut was neither Jedi nor Sith but was still connected to the Force. With that in mind, it sounds like Ahsoka is well on her way to discovering her own way of connecting to the Force without being associated with the Jedi or Sith.

Ahsoka's story will continue in the final episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7, which airs on Disney+ on May 4.

Related: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Reveals How Captain Rex's Chip was Removed