There are a lot of iconic ships in Star Wars and though the X-Wing and the TIE Fighter get a lot of the spotlight, there are some fans who have a special place in their heart for the Y-Wing Bomber. The Y-Wing was already considered obsolete by the time of Return of the Jedi, but it looks like the ship will be making a return in Star Wars: Episode IX.
This was confirmed by a leaked promo poster which has the Y-Wing flying alongside an A-Wing and X-Wing on the top right side:
If you know your Star Wars lore, you'll know that the Y-Wing was a bomber that was developed during the Clone Wars and was already considered obsolete by the time of the Battle of Yavin. They were eventually replaced by the B-Wings come RotJ, and The Last Jedi gave us a look at the StarFortress bombers (which were supposed to be called T-Wings).
We don't know why there will be Y-Wings in Episode IX, but my guess is that the Resistance was left in shambles after TLJ that they had to make do with what they had—and what they had was a bunch of old Y-Wing ships. While I'm happy the classic ship is back, I'm hoping we get some new classes of starships to come to this new film. It would be fun seeing the mix of old and new, giving the Resistance their classic ragtag feel.
Also on the topic of new ships, there's also a new type of interceptor for the First Order that you can spot in the bottom right. We don't know exactly what it's called, but it does feel a lot like the TIE Interceptor that was introduced in RotJ as well.
Star Wars Episode IX comes out Dec. 20.
See Also: Names of New Star Wars: Episode IX Characters Leaked