Based on the josei manga series of the same name by Mogusu, Koikimo gets its break into the anime scene with a 12-episode run and It's Disgusting to Call This Love is quite nearing the end with Episode 10 arriving in a few days. To watch it on time, set your countdown now with the release date and time of Episode 10 so as not to miss anything in the series.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Koikimo. Read at your own risk!
What happened in Koikimo Episode 9?
In Koikimo Episode 9, My Answer, Ichika, and Kai would be meeting at the station on a Saturday afternoon to talk about a confession made the other day. Ryō happened to pass by and that worried Ichika as she might have regretted the confession. On the other hand, Arie is set to make her confession to Ryō about her feelings and she tells him that if he and Ichika get together, the age difference would matter between them.
Where to Watch Koikimo Episode 10 with English Subtitles Online?
Available for streaming online on Crunchyroll where premium access users who subscribed for $9.99 a month, or $79.99 a year would have the episodes a week earlier, Koikimo is under the vast library of the anime streaming platform.
When is the Release Date of Koikimo Episode 10?
Koikimo Episode 10 is scheduled for release on May 31, 2021 on Crunchyroll for the premium access subscribers and the free release of the previous episode will be happening at the same time. Episode 10's free release would be on June 7, 2021.
When is the Release Time of Koikimo Episode 10?
Koikimo Episode 10 is scheduled for release at 10:00 PM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 6:00 AM PT
Central Time: 8:00 AM CT
Eastern Time: 9:00 AM EST
British Time: 2:00 PM BST
Koikimo Episode 10 Countdown
As what is happening seems to deviate Ryō and Ichika from each other, will there be an endgame for the two of them now that Kai and Arie are standing on the way? How will they both handle it and if so, will they accept the love confessed to them? Or will they pursue each other like the way it started? Find out in the next episode of Koikimo!
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