Kinnikuman is an iconic Weekly Shonen Jump manga from the late 70s to the early 80s, and it’s about to make a comeback. Initially announced a few months ago, the upcoming Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc anime got a new trailer that highlights clips along with the show’s VAs.
This new Kinnikuman anime celebrates the original anime’s 40th anniversary, and it is confirmed to be released in 2024.
Instead of the original voice cast returning though, this new anime features a new voice actor for its main star.
New Kinnikuman Anime Trailer Highlights Main Voice Cast
Kinnikuman is an action manga that was serialized from 1979 to 1987. The series was a huge hit in Japan, and it became popular internationally thanks to the anime. In the US, this series is popularly known as Ultimate Muscle.
Since the original anime began airing in 1983, the Kinnikuman franchise has gotten an array of anime projects. For instance, there’s The Kinnikuman Legacy in the 2000s that followed a new protagonist named Mantarou.
Now, the iconic series is returning, this time with a new anime that is adapting the Superhuman Origin Arc from the manga’s 2011 return. You can check out the new trailer for it here:
Cast as the protagonist Kinnikuman is Mamoru Miyano, one of the anime industry’s most popular voice actors.
Miyano is the VA of Light Yagami in Death Note, Rintaro Okabe in Steins;Gate, and Osamu Dazai in Bungou Stray Dogs.
Also revealed in the trailer is that Akira Kamiya will voice Mayumi Kinniku and Prince Kamehame. Kamiya is the original VA of Kinnikuman, and he’s also the voice of iconic characters like Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star.
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Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Anime From Production I.G Is Coming in 2024
What’s interesting about this new anime is that it will not be produced by Toei Animation. Instead, taking over production duties is Production I.G.
This means 2024 will be a busy year for the studio. After all, Production I.G is also working on the highly anticipated Kaiju No. 8 anime as well as the recently announced Shinkalion anime.
For now, there’s no word yet on a specific release date or release window for the Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc anime.
Given that there’s no date yet, chances are that fans will need to wait until the second half of 2024 before this series airs.
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