Kevin Smith Confirms Justice League Snyder Cut Exists, Explains Why It Should Be Released

If there's one thing that DC fans really want, it would be Zack Snyder's own version of Justice League. But does the Snyder Cut actually exist? Kevin Smith confirms that it is real and even gave a compelling reason why it needs to be released.

Smith was recently a guest on the Reelblend podcast where he revealed that the Justice League Snyder Cut is out there although he hasn't actually seen it (via Cinemablend).

"I've not seen it firsthand. And also to be clear, I know Zack, but it's not like, ‘We're f--ing tight son!'" Smith stated. "That being said, I've spoken now to enough people at various levels in that production. There IS a Snyder cut. For sure. That's not a mythical beast. It exists."

Now it's important to point out that although the Snyder Cut is real, it's not exactly a packaged DVD that can easily be made available to DC fans. Nevertheless, Smith believes that it should be released by Warner Bros.

"I feel confident that the audience could handle that cut of the movie without being like… I think there's a common thought process, probably within the studio – and again, no studio has said this to me, but I would assume that they're like, ‘We can't show people this. Yes, there is a Snyder Cut, but no audience would be able to look at this and see what the director's intent was.' I disagree. That would seem like common wisdom because everyone always wants to put their best foot forward. But I think the audience now, particularly the audience that would consume the Snyder Cut and discuss it at great length, can watch a work print. They can watch a work-in-progress and fill in the blanks in their heads," he said.

Of course, Smith isn't the only one who wants the Snyder Cut to be unleashed. DC fans have long been calling for Snyder's version of Justice League. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Warner Bros. is ready to make that call just yet.

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