Swamp Thing Season Finale Post-Credits Scene Introduced Major DC Supervillain

We already know that we're not getting Swamp Thing Season 2 but the first season's final episode hinted at what would happen if the series gets another chapter. The post-credits scene in Loose Ends has just confirmed that a DC comic book supervillain would have been the next Big Bad on the show.

WARNING: The following contains Swamp Thing Episode 10 spoilers. Proceed with caution.

In Loose Ends, Jason Woodrue got the best worst idea ever in an effort to save his wife. The doctor decided that feeding Selena some of Swamp Thing's cooked organs will help her gain regenerative powers to combat her Alzheimers. To convince his wife to eat the organ, he took a bit of the stuff himself.

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Credit: DC Universe

Unfortunately, Woodrue never got to feed the organ to Selena because he was immediately apprehended by the police. But before he was taken in, it was clear that the organs were making Woodrue transform.

Just how bad did it get? This is revealed in the post-credits scene when Matt Cable returns to the police station to find that some plant has started to grow and killed all his colleagues. We then see the transformed Woodrue as the Floronic Man attack Matt.

So did the Floronic Man kill Matt? Will he go after Swamp Thing for what has happened to him? This would have been something that Swamp Thing Season 2 could answer for us but now, we'll never find out.

The Swamp Thing season finale Loose Ends is currently available on DC Universe.

Related: Swamp Thing Confirms DC Comic Book Plot Twist