Kevin Feige Reveals Why Nick Fury Didn't Page Captain Marvel Before Avengers: Infinity War

Anyone who has seen Avengers: Infinity War knows that the post-credits scene was all about Nick Fury trying to contact Captain Marvel. But why did it take so long for Fury to actually page Carol Danvers in the first place? Kevin Feige has the answer and it's certainly a logical one.

Feige recently spoke to SlashFilm about his upcoming projects. The Marvel Studios president was asked why Fury waited so long before using the pager to contact Carol when he could have called her to drop in during the Battle of New York. Not surprisingly, Feige had a great response.

"Well, I'd say two things. One, she does say it's gotta be a real emergency, right? Yeah," Feige said. "The other thing I'd say is how do you know he never hit it? How do we know he never pushed it before? We've never seen him push it before. That doesn't mean he never did."

In Captain Marvel, Carol gave Fury the modified pager and told him that he's only allowed to use it if it's a real emergency. It's certainly a nifty gadget and considering that Fury got it back when he was still a bit inexperienced, it's possible he actually used it a couple of times before.

But does this confirm Carol had actually shown up on Earth a few times before? We're hoping that new details will be revealed in Avengers: Endgame. After all, the footage from the sequel confirmed that Carol is joining the superheroes and has been aware that the Avengers existed.

Captain Marvel is currently screening in theaters worldwide. Avengers: Endgame will hit theaters on April 26.

Related: Here's What Captain Marvel Was Doing Before Joining Avengers: Endgame