Kengan Omega, the intense martial arts manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago with art by Daromeon, is returning with Chapter 152 this week, and fans are wondering what the villainous ancient Chinese underground society known as The Worm are up to.
It looks like the war between the Anti-Worm Alliance and The Worm is about to ignite, and the latest Kengan Omega chapter will most likely reveal more members from each group go head-to-head in epic fights.
Here's everything you need to know about: Kengan Omega Chapter 151:
Kengan Omega Chapter 152 Spoilers: The Dragon and the Rat
In the previous chapter of Kengan Omega, we saw the formation of the Anti-Worm Alliance following the terrorist acts committed by the villainous organization. The chapter also featured a scene with Xia Yan, Head of the Worm, and Xia Ji. It also introduced Shen Wulong, "The Connector", so it's likely that we will see them make bigger moves in Chapter 152.
Update: Now that Kengan Omega Chapter 152 has been released, we now know that its title is The Dragon and the Rat. The chapter picks up where the previous one left off: Xia Ji looks terrified behind Shen Wulong, "The Connector", and beside Xia Yan.
Wulong says he's confiscating Yan's rod, and that Yan could use his. Ji asks Shen what he's doing in Japan, and Shen asks him to speak in Japanese because he's rusty and needs to brush up on it. Then Shen starts asking him if he lost weight, if the food is not agreeing with him, or if the water is the reason why he's not catching anything.
Ji is relieved because he thinks Shen doesn't want to kill him, but suddenly, he's shown getting cut marks all over the body, making a brutal scene but that didn't turn out to be real. Ji is thinking that Shen is not that angry, but he sees himself tiny compared to him.
Shen tells Ji that he wants him out of the picture, but he thinks that's going too far. Shen asks Yan to forgive Ji, and Yan tells Ji that they won't let him abandon his duties, so he orders him to stir up trouble in the Kengan Association. He just says to kill a couple of members because he won't be able to crush all of them anyway.
Yan says that they've put together a "bullshit team" they call the Anti-Worm Alliance, and Ji looks infuriated while Yan is telling him this. Ji tells him that he shouldn't be talking to him that way because he's his brother. Yan says that he has no idea that Ji felt familial affection.
Ji calls Yan "asshole" and tells him that this would be the last time he mess with him, and that he will take down the Kengan Association, no problem.
Yan tells Ogi and Tenjin to kill Xi if he makes a break, and they agreed to keep an eye on his brother. Shen asks Yan if he's sure about this, and Yan says he is, and that his concern is unwarranted. Yan says The Worm, at its current form, can cease to exist at anytime.
It turns out that Shen was asking if Ogi and Tenjin will be okay. Shen thinks that maybe both of them will be killed by Ji. But Shen says that's just a possibility, and there's a chance that Ji could die. As Ji is running, looking anxious, he is described to be a "Dragon that should've been born a rat".
Meanwhile, at the beach, Toyoda Idemitsu, Representative of Purgatory, is relaxing, and there are three girls who are Purgatory staffers near him. Narushima Koga arrives, and Idemitsu tells them that the girls are interested in him. Koga says that he didn't come here for fun, but he says that a little bit won't hurt. Idemitsu tells him that he's got that hotel to himself, and Koga thanks him, but the Purgatory executive tells him there's no need to thank him because he's one of his money-makers.
Koga goes to a courtyard, where he meets Kanoh Agito, "The Fifth Fang of Metsudo", and he tells him that he's ready when he is, and that this fight would be "Anything goes".
The next chapter will likely feature the Koga vs. Agito fight, but we might also see Xia Ji (and probably other members of The Worm) make his moves against the Kengan Association.
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Kengan Omega Chapter 152: When will the latest chapter come out?
Kengan Omega is a weekly scheduled manga, so the English version of Chapter 152 is expected to release on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, around 11AM time EST. Kengan Omega Chapter 151 was released last week around the same schedule, so expect Chapter 152 to be released around the same time.
Where to read Kengan Omega Chapter 152?
Kengan Omega is serialized in the Ura Sunday magazine in Japan. North America fans will be able to read Kengan Omega Chapter 152 on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle.
You can also read the latest chapter on ComicKey.
Raw scans of Kengan Omega manga have been shared in various anime/manga websites, subreddits, and YouTube videos, but we encourage you to read from official sources.