Kengan Omega, the popular martial arts manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago with art by Daromeon, is returning with Chapter 149.2 this week, and after a two-year time skip, fans are eager to find out how the manga's unpredictable story will continue.
Here's everything you need to know about Kengan Omega Chapter 149.2:
Kengan Omega Chapter 149.2 Spoilers: Koga vs. Kokuro continues
In the previous chapter, the story of Kengan Omega continues after a two-year time skip, and we get to see a Kengan fight between Utsubuki Kokuro "Wolf Soldier" and Narushima Koga, the "Fist-Eye".
Both fighters take their stance. Kokuro swings but Kokuro's attack was abruptly cut off thanks to Koga's "post-initiative" reaction. Kokura rapidly sends a flurry of punches but Koga is able to defend himself and he's seen touching Kokura's wrist.
Kokuro tries to do a "Stinger" attack but he missed as Narushima is able to dodge his attack by a hair by estimating its distance. Kokuro says, "Not bad".
Now that the new Kengan Omega chapter is out, we get to see the continuation of Koga vs. Kokuro. Kokuro is not landing any of his shots, and when he tries to tackle Koga, his opponent holds him down, and Koga gets control of the ground.
Koga clutches Kokuro's head with a sleeper hold. Kokuro is defeated, and Ref Ashina says that the match only lasted for one minute.
Yamashita Kazuo looks delighted to see Koga win the fight, and it turns out that he's one of the five main "Supernovas", the biggest rising stars in both Kengan Association and Purgatory. The other four main Supernovas present are Nam Nhat, "The God of Saigon", Leonardo Silva, "The Miracle of Sao Paulo", Onodda Ikai, "The Mighty Monk", and Kim Janggi, "Godspeed".
Later on, Koga calls Ryuki and tells him that he finally won his rematch with Kokuro, and Ryuki congratulates him. Koga asks him to return. Ryuki says that he's not ready yet. Koga says that Ryuki that can come back whenever he's ready.
Koga invites him to dinner, and says that he would pay with his prize money, and Ryuki says that they will meet in an hour.
Ryuki approaches a sewer hole, and goes under. He sees a mysterious man in the shadows, and Ryuki says, "Hey." It turns out to be Setsuna, and he says that he just got there himself.
Akoya Seishu, "The Executioner" is also there, wearing is metal armor. All nine members of "The Worm" are just ahead, and Akoya says that he will be executing his justice, and that there will be no interference. Setsuna says that they should go to save the world.
Meanwhile, in what appears to be a facility, Lu Tian with the message, "Niko...don't count me out yet!"
It looks like the conflict against The Worm and the Westward Faction will continue to escalate in the future chapters of Kengan Omega.
Kengan Omega Chapter 149.2: When will the latest chapter come out?
Kengan Omega is a weekly scheduled manga, so the English version of Chapter 149.2 was released on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, around 11AM time EST. Kengan Omega Chapter 149.1 was released last week around the same schedule, so Chapter 149.2 was released around the same time this week.
Where to read Kengan Omega Chapter 149.2?
Kengan Omega is serialized in the Ura Sunday magazine in Japan. North America fans will be able to read Kengan Omega Chapter 149.2 on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle.
Fans can also read the latest chapter on ComicKey.
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Raw scans of Kengan Omega manga have been shared in various anime/manga websites, subreddits, and YouTube videos, but we encourage you to read from official source