Kengan Omega, the action-packed martial arts manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago and illustrated by Daromeon is back with a new chapter this week, and the latest one continues the intense fight between the ruthless Edward Wu and members of the Kure clan.
Here's everything you need to know about Kengan Omega Chapter 143:
Kengan Omega Chapter 143 Spoilers: The The Sacrificial Pawn
Now that Kengan Omega Chapter 143 is out, here are major spoilers: The chapter's title is The Sacrificial Pawn, and it begins with Kure Erioh and Kure Reiichi attacking Edward Wu, but he's able to sto Reiichi's attack. Ed jokingly calls them cockroaches, and Kure Hollis also also appearance and tells Ed that it's time for them to end this once and for all.
Meanwhile, Tokita Ohma is with Okubo and Yamashita. He notices a tall man in a fedora standing in the corner, and he approaches him. It turns out that he's Muteba Gizenga. Muteba asks if they met before. He tells him that the Kure are fighting Edward as they speak, and that they are losing, then he says that he's the man if he needs one but he charges extra for "odd jobs". Ohma says it's a deal.
Back to the fight, Kure Hollis releases 80%, and Ed calls them "lightweights", saying they can't even unleash 100%. Kure Reiichi releases 50%, and he attacks Ed from the back, but Ed is able to repel them away with incredible force.
Ed punches Erioh hard on the chest then bear-hugs him tight, squeezing blood out of him. Ed says, "It's a shame, old man". It looks like Kure Erioh already died, but after Ed says that the old man just used his relatives as sacrificial pawns for this, Erioh raises his hand up while wheezing, and Wu Xing sneaks behind Ed, and he stabs him with a dagger on the back of his neck.
Erioh laughs, and says that he's the sacrificial pawn while Ed appears to be hurt by Wu Xing's attack.
The next chapter will most likely conclude this intense fight, and we might see Ohma and Muteba get involved somehow.
Where to read Kengan Omega Chapter 143?
Kengan Omega is serialized in the Ura Sunday magazine in Japan. North America fans will be able to read Kengan Omega Chapter 143 on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle.
You can also read the latest chapter on ComicKey.
Raw scans of Kengan Omega manga have been shared in various anime/manga websites, subreddits, and YouTube videos, but we encourage you to read from official sources.