Kengan Omega, the action-packed martial arts manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago with art by Daromeon, will be back with Chapter 131 this week, and the fight between Kengan Association's Asura Tokita Ohma vs. Rolon (a.k.a. Lolong) Donaire "The Monster of Manila" continues. With scores being tied between both teams, the winner of the final match will ultimately decide which team will win the entire tournament.
This fight is in an entirely new level, and now, fans are excited to see Rolon Donaire's powerful moves against Tokita Ohma, who just took his first hit in the previous chapter. Will Ohma be able to make a comeback or will Rolon continue to dominate the match?
Here's everything you need to know about Kengan Omega Chapter 131.
Kengan Omega Chapter 131 Release Date, Where to Read, and Spoilers: Tokita Ohma vs. Rolon Donaire continues
In the previous chapter of Kengan Omega, the fight between Tokita Ohma and Rolon Donaire begins, but the fight is slow as both fighters take their stance.
The commentators note that they are waiting to see how each will react to the opponent.
Rolon takes a Silat stance, and Ohma changed his stance, but it looks like the captain of the Kengan Association is just standing.
Rolon unleashes a flurry of fast punches but Ohma is able to dodge every strike effortlessly. Kano Agito comments that Ohma can predict the "inception of intent".
However, Rolon is able to hit Ohma on the face, then combos off fast with a series of strikes to the body, and throws him off with a powerful elbow strike to the stomach, sending Ohma to the ground.
Rolon tells Ohma that he commends him for reaching that state, but says it makes no difference to him.
Now that Chapter 131 is out, we have major spoilers: the chapter opens with Takakaze Kirimi looking surprised that Kuroki Gensai couldn't defeat Rolon Donaire. They are spectating Rolon in an arena, and Gensai says that Rolon has reached new heights.
Back to the present, Rolon continues to hit Gensai, and Ohma tries to predict Rolon's moves so he can dodge them, but Rolon is out-predicting him. Kaolan Wong-Sawat comments that the only way to counter's Ohma's moves is by striking faster than Ohma's predictions, but Rolon's moves are not quick yet he's able to land hits on Ohma.
Kanoh Agito said that he figured out how Rolon is doing it. Rolon is predicting the inception of intent as well. Lihito and Misasa look amazed, and Okubo comments that their fight is a contest of predictions, and that Rolon is out-predicting Ohma.
Rolon makes more powerful strikes with his fists and elbows, and Ohma takes some shots, but he hardens his abdomen by using a technique - Indestructible Adamantine Kata.
Ohma gets some distance, and the audience applauds. Rolon is still giving an air of strong composure, and Okubo says that Rolon hasn't broken a sweat. Toku and Liu also look impressed, and Liu says that Rolon is a monster.
Rolon takes a terrifying stance, and tells Ohma to drop his act or he will crush him. Ohma says that he thought he could take it longer, but he's quite not there yet. He takes another stance, and the fighters are slowly closing the gap while the audience cheers for the climax of the Kengan Association vs. Purgatory tournament.
Announcer Katahara Sayaka says that they're sounding each other out as the fighters try to out-predict the other. Ohma and Rolon try to hit each other at the same time, but they're able to block each other's hits. They both try to send a flurry of strikes, but neither are landing a shot in point-blank range.
Lihito cheers for Ohma, telling him to use his Niko style techniques to kick Rolon's ass, but they realize that they're Kure techniques. A cheerful Kure Karura says that Ohma has actually mastered them.
It's clear that this match is far from over. We still have yet to see Rolon and Ohma's full power. It's likely that we will see Ohma combine Kure and Niko style techniques as well as unleash the Advance, and Rolon will probably show off more Filipino style martial arts techniques.
Kengan Omega Chapter 131 Release Date: When will the latest chapter come out?
Kengan Omega is a weekly scheduled manga, so the English version of Chapter 130 is expected to release on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, around noon time EST. Kengan Omega Chapter 130 was released last week around the same schedule, so expect Chapter 131 to be released around the same time.
Where to read Kengan Omega Chapter 131?
Kengan Omega is serialized in the Ura Sunday magazine in Japan. For North America fans, they will be able to read Kengan Omega Chapter 131 on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle.
Raw scans of Kengan Omega manga have been shared in various anime/manga websites, subreddits, and YouTube videos, but we encourage you to read from official sources.