Kengan Omega, the popular martial arts manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago with art by Daromeon, will be back with Chapter 129 this week, and fans are excited to see the final match of the Kengan Association vs. Purgatory tournament begin.
Now that the fight between Wakatsuki Takeshi and Fei Wangfang is over, it's Tokita Ohma and Rolon Donaire's turn to fight, and the winner will determine which team wll win the tournament. This is expected to be the biggest fight of the match, and anything could happen. Tiger Niko is also on the loose, so we might see more of that.
Here's everything you need to know about Kengan Omega Chapter 129:
Kengan Omega 129 Spoilers: The Final Fight of the Tournament will begin!
In the previous chapter of Kengan Omega, the fight between Wakatsuki Takeshi and Fang Wangfang ended up in a double knockdown, so the score between Kengan Association and Purgatory tournament is still tied. With one final match left, the fight between Tokita Ohma and Rolon Donaire will determine which team will ultimately win. The tournament was held to determine which organization will absorb the other in their upcoming merger.
Now that the new Kengan Omega chapter is out, here are major spoilers:
Chapter 129 begins with Muteba Gezenga in the monitor room, and apparently, he was defeated by Tokita "Tiger" Niko, but he's still alive with a tiny revolver in his hand. He talks to Mr. Idemitsu on the phone, and tells him that pursuing Tiger Niko would be too dangerous, saying that more people could potentially die. Muteba takes out a cigarette, starts smoking, and says that it's time for "his match".
Fei Wangfang's body is taken out of the ring, and Liu Dong-cheng says that he's tired and he doesn't know what he has to go on from here while Carlos Mendel wonders how it has come to this.
Toku shares words of wisdom from his poem, basically telling Liu to not give up. Toa, Arashi, and the Falcon comment positively about the next match, and suddenly, Rolon Donaire appears, and tells them Purgatory will win. He says that defeat is impossible with him fighting the final fight of the Kengan Association vs. Purgatory tournament. Toku feels immense pressure from Rolon, and says that it's greater than he felt from Kanoh.
Meanwhile, Tokita Ohma is warming up, stretching his leg, and Yamashita asks if he's sure about not pursuing Tiger Niko. Ohma says he wants to pursue but doing so would be playing into Tiger Niko's hands, explaining that he's trying to lure him and Kanoh.
Members of Kengan Association wish Ohma good luck on the fight, and Ohma calmly walks to the stage, and the crowd cheers for him as the final match begins: The Asura Tokita Ohma vs. Rolon Donaire "The Monster of Manila". The Kengan Association and Purgatory executives Nogi Hideki and Toyoda Idemitsu glance at each other, thinking that it's time to end this tournament with this final match.
Expect the Rolon vs. Ohma fight to be one of the most epic matches in the Kengan Omega franchise. It's likely that Ohma will show the extent of the Advance's potential. Rolon was revealed to be a Filipino since he's called the "Monster of Manila". It's likely that he will use the Filipino martial arts style, Panuntukan or "dirty boxing".
It's likely that Ohma will unleash the Advance after using Niko style techniques. Ohma might also unleash the Demon's Bane, but Rolon might have something in his sleeve to take down Ohma.
Kengan Omega Chapter 129 Release Date: When will the latest chapter come out?
Kengan Omega is a weekly scheduled manga, so the English version of Chapter 129 is expected to release on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, around noon time EST. Kengan Omega Chapter 128 was released last week around the same schedule, so expect Chapter 129 to be released around the same time.
Where to read Kengan Omega Chapter 129?
Kengan Omega is serialized in the Ura Sunday magazine in Japan. For North America fans, they will be able to read Kengan Omega Chapter 129 on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle. English translations for new chapters are usually released within a day after raw scans come out.
Raw scans of Kengan Omega manga have been shared in various anime/manga websites, subreddits, and YouTube videos, but we encourage you to read from official sources.