Kengan Omega, the popular manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago and illustrated by Daromeon, is back with an exciting chapter this week, and it will continue the fight between Purgatory's Liu Dongcheng and Kengan Association's Tokuno'o Tokumichi (a.k.a. Nitoku).
The battle between Kengan Association and Purgatory is a close one, and with only four matches left, the fight between Liu and Toku will determine which team will be on the lead. Here's everything you need to know about the upcoming chapter.
Kengan Omega Chapter 114 Spoilers: Will Nitoku get up and continue the fight?
In the previous chapter, Liu has a flashback of his conversation with Naida. Liu tells him that his father is a top-class fighter in Taiwan and his mother's side has fighters with Chinese martial arts background. According to Liu, he's even more skilled than his father, and his family members have high expectations from him.
Liu recalls that Naidan promised him to visit Taiwan but never got the chance. Liu thinks that Naidan is a close friend and that he will avenge him. It seems that the memories of Naidan trigger him to unleash his peak power.
Lu attacks Nitoku, then Nitoku counter-attacks and tries to use the Russian Hook to tackle his opponent but Liu uses a technique that allows his body to become immovable, then he strikes Nitoku. Ohma comments that Nitoku will no longer be able to take any more damage from Liu.
Now that the Kengan Omega Chapter 114 raw scans are out, fans are hyped to see Liu and Toku's fight become more intense as the two battle it out to the finish. We also learn about Toku's background story on how he went to Russia to master martial arts. However, it looks like Liu is not giving up. At the end of the chapter, it's still unclear who's winning this fight.
Kengan Omega Chapter 114 Release Date: When will the latest chapter come out?
Kengan Omega is a weekly scheduled manga, so the English version of Chapter 114 will is scheduled to release on Thursday, June 17, 2021. The raw scans for the latest chapter were released a day earlier, June 16. However, fans will have to wait a little longer to read the English translation of the manga. Kengan Omega Chapter 113 was released last week around the same time, so expect Chapter 114 to come out around the same time.
Generally, the raw scans for the newest chapter of Kengan Omega comes out at around 10:30 AM EST, and the English version comes out within the next 24 hours.
Where to read Kengan Omega Chapter 114?
Kengan Omega is serialized in the Ura Sunday magazine, and North America based fans of the manga series will be able to read it on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle. Raw scans have unofficially spread in various anime/manga websites and YouTube videos, but we encourage you to read from official sources.