Kengan Omega, the manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago and illustrated by Daromeon, is returning this week with Chapter 106, and fans are highly-anticipating to find out what will happen next in the battle between Kengan and the Purgatory. Here's everything you need to know about the latest chapter.
The last chapter of Kengan Omega revealed more about Nicolas Le Banner's dark past and the truth behind his identity, and now fans want to know what will happen next in his fight against Akoya Seishu.
Kengan Omega Chapter 106 Release Date: When will the latest chapter come out?
Kengan Omega is a weekly scheduled manga, so the English version of Chapter 106 will is scheduled to release on Thursday, April 22, 2021. The raw scans for the latest chapter were released a bit earlier, April 21. However, fans will have to wait a bit longer to read the English translation of the manga.
Generally, the raw scanes for the latest chapter comes out at around 10:30 AM EST, and the English version comes out within the next 24 hours.
Kengan Omega is serialized in the Ura Sunday magazine, and fans of the manga series will be able to read it on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle.
Kengan Omega Chapter 106 Spoilers: Who is the impostor who stole Nicolas Le Banner's identity?
No spoilers for Kengan Omega Chapter 106 have been leaked yet, but it's expected to continue the fight between Nicolas Le Banner and Akoya Seishu. However, it turns out that Nicolas is an impostor, and the real Nicolas Le Banner may already be dead. Hopefully, Chapter 106 will reveal the true identity of the impostor and why he went to such great lengths to fight Akoya. Regardless of his identity, Akoya will probably still continue fighting his enemy, but the impostor hasn't showcased his full power yet.
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