Kengan Omega, the intense martial arts manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago with art by Daromeon, returns with Chapter 135 this week, and the fight between Kengan Association's Asura Tokita Ohma vs. Rolon (a.k.a. Lolong) Donaire "The Monster of Manila" continues, and while it looks like Ohma has the upper-hand now, Rolon hasn't unleashed his full power yet.
The final match of the Kengan Association vs. Purgatory tournament is about to get crazier. Ohma is finally able to rattle Rolon, but will he be able to take him down to win the match?
Here's everything you need to know about Kengan Omega Chapter 135:
Kengan OmegaĀ 135 Spoilers: Will Rolon unleash his full power?
In the previous chapter of Kengan Omega, we learn about Rolon's backstory: how he has killed the Worm's agents in the Philippines. Back to the present: Both Ohma and Rolon clash at point-blank range, but Ohma is able to unleash a Niko style technique called Adamantine Kata Ironbreaker, which hits Rolon hard on the abdomen.
The two fighters take distance, and Rolon wonders how Ohma is able to dodge and counter from that stance. Rolon asks if this is Ohma's ace in the hole, to which Ohma replies that he finally got him rattled. Ohkubo asks Lihito what Ohma exactly did, and it looks like they've figured out.
Kengan Omega Chapter 135 will most likely reveal how Ohma is able to execute that technique, but this chapter is most likely far from over. We might see more of Rolon's backstory, and the Worms in the present may somehow interfere the final match of the Kengan Association vs. Purgatory tournament.
Update: Now that Chapter 35, titled Climax is out, here are major spoilers: The chapter begins with a flashback of Rolon Donaire, who was 24-years-old at that time. He is fighting Kuroki Gensai, and Rolon says that he is the toughest challenge he's faced. Kuroki tells him to keep training until the day they cross fists again.
Back to the present, Rolon says that Ohma might just be in par with Kuroki. The announces talk about how the match has taken another turn, and they mention Rolon's perfect record.
Kure Karura is talking to Elena Robinson, and Karura is confident that Ohma won't lose despite his imperfect record.
Narushima figured out that Ohma used the Advance for a split-second to hit Rolon. Okubo, Yamashita, and Lihito are cheering for Ohma to win the match.
The two fighters get close again, and Ohma is able to hit Rolon again, this time on the face, and Rolon notices that Ohma is using the Advance while hitting him. Rolon thinks that he should have known that Ohma was speeding up in burst.
Suddenly, Rolon is able to grab Ohma's leg, and the audience looks surprised. Rolon grabs Ohma's wrist, and is able to slam him to the ground. Arashi Yama Jurota says that Rolon has struck a puncture point, which lets him control his opponent's movements by using their sense of pain against them.
Rolon is now dominating the match, and he's described to be the ultimate all-rounder who's capable to adapting to any situation. In the final panel of the chapter, the narrator says that premonition crossed Rolon's mind at this moment, but it's still unclear what that means.
It's likely that Rolon will continue to dominate the match in the next chapter of Kengan Omega.
Kengan OmegaĀ Chapter 135 Release Date: When will the latest chapter come out?
Kengan Omega is a weekly scheduled manga, so the English version of Chapter 135 is expected to release on Wednesday, November 16, 2021, around noon time EST. Kengan Omega Chapter 134 was released last week around the same schedule, so expect Chapter 135 to be released around the same time.
Where to readĀ Kengan OmegaĀ Chapter 135?
Kengan Omega is serialized in the Ura Sunday magazine in Japan. North America fans will be able to read Kengan Omega Chapter 135 on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle.
Fans can also read the latest chapter on ComicKey.
Raw scans of Kengan Omega manga have been shared in various anime/manga websites, subreddits, and YouTube videos, but we encourage you to read from official sources.