Kengan Omega, the action-packed manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago with art by Daromeon, is back with a new manga chapter this week, so get ready for another action-packed fight. Chapter 122 is coming this week, and the match between Fei Wangfang, a.k.a. The Toad of the Three Demon Fists, and Wakatsuki Takeshi, The Wild Tiger continues, and it looks like the murderous Tiger Niko is back!
With only two fights left in the Kengan Association vs Purgatory tournament, the Fei and Wakatsuki fight is about to get serious. Meanwhile, Tiger Niko appears during the tournament, so this chapter is pretty crazy!
Here's everything we know about Kengan Omega Chapter 122.
Kengan Omega 122 Spoilers: Tiger Niko is back, and Fei vs. Waka fight continues!
Before we get to the Chapter 122 spoilers, you can read the recap of what happened in Chapter 121 here.
In Chapter 122, Waka is charging, and it appears that Fei takes a hit in the abdomen, then Fei kicks Waka on the face, and they throw each other off, so both are down on the stage.
The crowd is seen cheering but they are surprised to see Tiger Niko appear on the large monitor of the tournament, and it he starts talking to the crowd. In the purgatory lobby, Carlos think that this is just a prank.
The Kengan Association fighters look angry and concerned at the sight of Tiger Niko, who's confronted by Ohma and his teammate. There are corpses and blood on the floor, and it's clear that Tiger Niko murdered them. Tiger Niko says that he is proud of all three of his disciples.
Tiger Niko looks insane, and apparently, his second eye works, and it appears that he's using some sort of technique with his eye.
Back to the Waka and Fei fight, Waka looks concerned, and Fei takes a tai-chi stance, and Waka charges him and tries to hit him with a powerful punch but Fei is able to gracefully counter by grabbing with his Niko , and slam him down to the stage with his Niko style while the spectators are shocked to see how Fei has turned this match on his favor.
Waka struggles to escape Fei's hold, and Fei is standing up over Waka with his hand clenching Waka's hand in a tight grip. Waka looks distressed at his disadvantageous position, and Fei has revealed that he is the Tiger's Vessel, the mysterious fighter who claims that the Niko style is his alone, and wants to kill all other users of that style. So we now know that the three disciples are Kanoh Agito, Lu Tian, and Fei. Ohma is not really his student.
The next Kengan Omega chapter will likely show us the power of Fei's Tiger Niko style. Fei will probably win this match, and the final match will be Ohma vs. Lolong.
Kengan Omega Chapter 122 Release Date: When will the latest chapter come out?
Kengan Omega is a weekly scheduled manga, so the English version of Chapter 121 is expected to release on Thursday, August 19, 2021. The raw scans for the latest chapter are released a day earlier, August 18. However, manga fans will have to wait a bit longer to read the English translation of the manga. Kengan Omega Chapter 121 was released last week around the same schedule, so expect Chapter 122 to be released around the same time.
Usually, the raw scans for the newest chapter of Kengan Omega comes out at around 10:30 AM EST, and the English version comes out within the next 24 hours.
Where to read Kengan Omega Chapter 122?
Kengan Omega is serialized in the Ura Sunday magazine in Japan. For North America based fans, they will be able to read it on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle. English translations for new chapters usually come out within a day after raw scans are released.
Raw scans of Kengan Omega manga have been shared in various anime/manga websites and YouTube videos, but we encourage you to read from official sources.