Kengan Omega, the action-packed manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago with art by Daromeon, is returns this week with another exciting chapter, and it will continue the fight between Kengan Association's Ohkubo Naoya and Purgatory's Terashi.
In the previous chapter, the face of Terashi, the Silent Nightmare, was revealed after Ohkubo shatters his mask. The latest chapter reveals more backstory for Terashi, and it continues the fight between him and Ohkubo, the King of Combat. There are only three matches left in the tournament between Kengan Association and Purgatory, so there's a lot of pressure for Ohkubo to defeat Terashi, but with the mysterious fighter's unorthodox fighting style and unique abilities, will Ohkubo be able to take him down?
Here's everything you need to know about Kengan Omega Chapter 118.
Kengan Omega 118 Spoilers: What is Terashi's backstory?
(You can read Chapter 117 spoilers here).
Now that the scans for Kengan Omega Chapter 118 have been released, here are some spoilers from the latest chapter.
The chapter starts off with Terashi's backstory, and we learn that Terashi asked Dr. Hanafusa to change his face, and Hanafusa says that he already has a handsome face so he asked why he wants to change his face, to which Terashi replies that his currrent face is broken, so Hanafusa obliges and does the surgery. Terashi also asks Hanafusa to perform surgery on his hypothalamus, so his body can constantly shiver, so Hanafusa granted his request again.
Back in the fight, we see that Terashi is able to dodge Ohkubo's attacks easily, then knocks him down, and then we learn that he went through another brain surgery to attain an ability called the Emperor's eye, which allows him to see upcoming attacks more proficiently, so Terashi could react to them very fast. However, there's a downside to this: Terashi has a 30-minute limit, so if he uses this ability for more than that duration, he could get serious brain damage.
Ohkubo was able to get up at the count of eight. The King of Combat then asks him if there's any other adjustments he's had to his body, to which Terashi responds by saying, "Nothing", then Ohkubo takes Terashi right to the edge of the ring, and Terashi is wondering why he's doing that, so the Silent Nightmare puts himself at a defensive stance with his body vibrating to endure Ohkubo's attack. However, Ohkubo is able to charge and land an upper-cut that hits Terashi right on the face, taking him down, then Ohkubo becomes agitated, and tells him that his shitty vision won't work on him.
The final panel of the manga shows the Kengan Association fighter being cocky, but it's probably not over for Terashi yet. The Silent Nightmare probably has something up his sleeve. We've already seen his backstory, so it's likely that we will see him showcase his unique abilities more.
Kengan Omega Chapter 118 Release Date: When will the latest chapter come out?
Kengan Omega is a weekly scheduled manga, so the English version of Chapter 118 is scheduled to release on Thursday, July 22, 2021. The raw scans for the latest chapter were released a day earlier, July 21. However, manga fans will have to wait a bit longer to read the English translation of the manga. Kengan Omega Chapter 117 was released last week around the same schedule, so expect Chapter 118 to come out around the same time.
Generally, the raw scans for the newest chapter of Kengan Omega comes out at around 10:30 AM EST, and the English version comes out within the next 24 hours.
Where to read Kengan Omega Chapter 118?
Kengan Omega is serialized in the Ura Sunday magazine, and North America based fans of Kengan Omega will be able to read it on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle. The English translations for new chapters usually come out within a day after raw scans are released.
Raw scans of Kengan Omega manga have been shared in various anime/manga websites and YouTube videos, but we encourage you to read from official sources.