Fans were treated to a clip unveiled by Zack Snyder on Saturday, showing Henry Cavill's Superman in a black suit. The following day saw Deborah Snyder getting a spotlight panel of her own, sharing more of what's to come in the Snyder Cut, as well as revealing another key moment to be included in the release.
While Deborah Snyder didn't reveal the clip itself during her Justice Con panel, she shared the details of a deleted scene featuring Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman and Amy Adams' Lois Lane, revealing where this footage roughly sits in the Snyder Cut.
"It's a scene where Diana visits Lois after Clark's death and she's been, you know, not going out and it's just a very supportive scene," Snyder said. "Because even though she's lost her house, she's coming there not to ask for help, but to help Lois."
"I can't wait and you'll get to see that scene," she added. It sounds like it'll be a great moment to show off this side of Diana, and this also suggests that the scene will further explore the aftermath of Superman's death.
Aside from the clips unveiled from Zack Snyder's Justice League, the director promised in his panel that there will be "more footage" to look forward to at DC FanDome; revealing that it'll surely be a "teaser" for the Snyder Cut.
Zack Snyder's Justice League is set for release on HBO Max sometime in 2021.
Also Read: Zack Snyder is Not Getting Paid to Fix Justice League for HBO Max