After an extremely successful anime adaptation, the supernatural shonen manga Jujutsu Kaisen is more popular than ever! Thankfully for those feeling hungover after the release of episode 24 earlier in the year, the manga is still ongoing, and volume 146 is coming soon!
Below, you will find all you need to know about Jujutsu Kaisen volume 146, including its release date and more!
Jujutsu Kaisen Overview and Chapter 145 Recap
In Jujutsu Kaisen, all humans carry some degree of cursed energy, which is amplified with negative feelings. The main character Yuuji Itadori wasn't always aware of this: once, he would spend his days idly messing with the occult, until he's forced to consume a cursed item, which gives him horrific powers he must learn to control.
In chapter 145, the immortal Master Tengen reveals that Kenjaku, a powerful ancient sorcerer, is the one who possessed Noritoshi Kamo and Suguru Geto. His plan is to force evolution on humankind through cursed energy. If such a thing were to happen, curses would roam unchecked and evil energy would spread uncontrollably.
Our main characters need to stop this, but with the Culling Game starting in order to initiate the merging, their only option is to participate, Additionally, they must find Gojo, aided by Hana Kurusu.
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 146 Release Date
Excited about Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 146? If so, we have good news; the chapter is going to be released this Sunday the 18th of April, giving you some time to catch up in case you haven't already.
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 146 Release Time
As usual, the newest Jujutsu Kaisen chapter is expected to be released at midnight - Japanese time. If this remains correct, the manga chapter will be available in different timezones as follows:
Pacific Time: 8:00 AM (April 17)
Central Time: 10:00 AM (April 17)
Eastern Time: 11:00 AM (April 17)
British Time: 4:00 PM (April 17)
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 146 Spoilers
Currently, there is no official summary of Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 146, nor any available spoilers to speak of. Our prediction is that the newest chapter will concern itself with their main characters' attempts to save Gojo. We might also find out more about the Culling Game and its importance. Watch this space in case any spoilers do come up.
Not sure where to read Jujutsu Kaisen? Check out our handy guide for reading manga online legally.
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