In just a few more days of anticipation, psychological thriller legend director Jordan Peele is set to introduce another mind-blowing film with Nope. Peele has always held back when it comes to divulging details about his upcoming film, yet, Nope is still one of the highly-anticipated films in the thriller genre even though the plot, and what it is really all about still remains a mystery. Thankfully, in a recent interview, Peele finally spills some new details about Nope.
In an interview with Empire Magazine (via SlashFilm), Jordan Peele shared some details about his upcoming horror flick Nope. When asked about the film's premise, the director did not hold back this time.
"Nope! [Laughs] No, no, I can answer this," Peele said. "If I can't, I'm in the wrong place, am I not? I started off wanting to make a film that would put an audience in the immersive experience of being in the presence of a UFO. And I wanted to make a spectacle, something that would promote my favorite art form and my favorite way of watching that art form: the theatrical experience. As I started writing the script, I started to dig into the nature of the spectacle, our addiction to spectacle, and the insidious nature of attention. So that's what it's about. And it's about a brother and sister, and healing their relationship.”
Although much hasn't been disclosed about Peele's Nope aside from confirming that it has something to do with aliens and UFOs, it would also center on spectacles and our 'insidious nature of attention.' Of course, Peele can't fully unveil the plot and the twist behind Nope, but its genre surely lands on the psychological thriller, just like Peele's Get Out and Us.
Jordan Peele established a triumphant career in the psychological thriller genre. His two critically-acclaimed films with 2019's Us was recognized by Critics Choice Awards for Best Scifi-Horror Movie, while Peele was nominated for an Academy Award for Original Screenplay for 2017's Get Out. The director's triumph in the genre is already promising enough, but Peele's intriguing statement regarding Nope certainly adds more anticipation to the fans.
Jordan Peele's Nope will premiere in theaters on July 22.
Also read: First Look at Jordan Peele’s New Psychological Thriller Nope