JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure follows the Joestar bloodline and the adventures each JoJo undertakes. The finale aired on December 1, 2022, along with Stone Ocean Part 3. The ending left some confused, but we're here to explain how JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean ended and what’s in store for the future of the series.
With Part 6 coming to a conclusion, we explain what happened and what more can be expected from the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series.
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What Happened at the End of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean?
In Stone Ocean Episode 37, Pucci has time accelerate so fast that night and day go by like seconds through his newly evolved stand, Maiden Heaven.
He overwhelms Jolyne and her crew in shallow water and successfully kills them one by one.
Jolyne tries to escape along with Emporio by strapping her stand threads to a passing dolphin.
With his stand’s overwhelming speed, it is inevitable for Pucci to catch them, forcing Jolyne to sacrifice herself so that Emporio can escape.
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Emporio vs. Pucci
As Emporio rides the dolphin, time around him continues to accelerate to the point where he only sees living things floating in the universe.
Emporio wakes up at the Green Dolphin Street Prison, wondering if he went back in time.
It turns out that Pucci had created another universe where those who opposed him and his destiny are left out, which means Jolyne, Jotaro, Anastasia, and Hermes are not included in this new universe.
In this universe, everyone knows what will happen in the future, and only when they accept their future can they truly be happy.
Pucci originally intended to leave out Emporio too, but he survived. He tries to correct the mistake by eliminating Emporio himself.
Pucci chases Emporio throughout Green Dolphin Prison Street. Emporio manages to escape momentarily by going into his secret passageways.
Trapped by Pucci, Emporio desperately escapes to his secret room while Pucci attacks him with his stand.
The resulting attack causes Weather Report’s disc to be inserted into Emporio.
It is revealed that this disc was entrusted to him by Jolyne when they were riding dolphins to escape.
Emporio gains Weather Report’s stand and successfully beats Pucci.
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Stone Ocean’s New Universe
As Pucci was about to die from Emporio’s attack, he accelerated time again so that he could possibly survive, but he couldn’t make it.
This event results in the formation of another universe, but this time, Pucci is the one that isn’t included.
In this universe, Emporio is transported to a gasoline station.
We first see Hermes getting kicked out of a bus and then interacting with Anastasia, making a deal to give her a ride.
It turns out that in this universe, he is Jolyne’s boyfriend. Rain starts to fall, and Jolyne gets out of the car, giving her coat to Emporio and revealing her new name, "Irene."
As the group drove off, they picked up another hitchhiker in the form of Weather Report.
Stone Ocean ends with the crew riding off, together again, with Part 1’s Roundabout by Yes playing in the background.
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The Future of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
The original JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series concludes with Stone Ocean. But don’t worry because Stone Ocean’s ending gave way to two new amazing parts of the JoJo series namely, Steel Ball Run and JoJolion.
The only downside is that the future parts are not connected to the previous ones.
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