In the heat right now is the ongoing defamation suit that Johnny Depp brought against his ex-wife Amber Heard which is being televised on CourtTV. In the course of the proceedings, the latter alleged that the actor became controlling in their marriage to the point that she could not attend meetings but he raised the defense of her Aquaman casting.
In the exchange between the parties to the case, the lawyers of Amber Heard read a series of text messages where Depp responded angrily to Heard asking her why she changed plans, attended a meeting, and when she gets home. This led to the allegation of Heard’s lawyers that Depp was controlling in their marriage.
However, Depp was quick to counter the allegation saying that the meetings are not the problem but the fact that they had plans that day and Heard decided to go to a meeting instead, “It's not about her doing films. How do you think she got Aquaman, sir? This is not necessarily an angry text, it's just why do you deviate from our agreement?"
The casting of Amber Heard as Mera in both Aquaman and Justice League was rumored in January 2016 and it was confirmed in May of the same year. The alleged exchange of messages happened in the same timeframe. Ultimately, Heard bagged the role despite the allegations raised with Depp being controlling.
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The trial continues between the two parties and it is yet to be given judgment. Johnny Depp has already taken the stand while Heard has yet to have her day answering the questions. The case is being livestreamed online through CourtTV which was picked by the local officials to televise the whole case.
The defamation case follows the court battle between the ex-spouses and The Sun, a British Tabloid where the actor was not able to prove the alleged libel versus the newspaper after such quoted the statements of Heard and referred to him as a “wife-beater.”
The trial is being heard in Fairfax County, Virginia. It will be attended by high profile witnesses such as Elon Musk, James Franco, and Paul Bettany.