Joe Quesada Reacts To Disney Possibly Shutting Down Marvel Comics

Disney has been pretty notorious at shutting down certain Marvel projects this year. For instance, all the Marvel shows on Netflix have already been cancelled. But is it possible that the House of Mouse also has plans of putting an end to Marvel Comics?

The shocking rumor came about after Marvel Comics announced a panel at South by Southwest (SXSW) next week. The panel will include the publisher's Editor-In-Chief C.B. Cebulski as well as Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada. The announcement reads as follows:

"On Friday, March 8th, Marvel's Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski and Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada will lead an interactive discussion about the history and landscape of Marvel Comics. Titled Marvel: From Comics To Screens, the hour-long panel will look at how some of Marvel's most iconic characters and storylines have contributed to the games, movies, and television series that are so renowned among popular culture. Everything starts with an idea – and Marvel Comics is the spark that lights the fire!"

It sounds like an exciting panel yet there are rumors that Disney could shut Marvel Comics down because of the panel. Not surprisingly, Quesada himself reacted to the news on his official Twitter account. Check out the tweet below.

"Must be a slow news day. Ladies and gents I give you the dumbest comics conspiracy of the week," Quesada wrote before adding a link to a Bleeding Cool report. "Sometimes a panel is just a panel."

The rumor certainly doesn't make sense considering that Marvel Comics continues to release titles from other Disney franchises like Star Wars. Needless to say, we're glad that there are no plans of shutting down the publishing company any time soon.

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