Jessica Jones Season 3 Featurette Shows Trish Walker In Action As Hellcat

Trish Walker is certainly coming into her own in the final season of Jessica Jones. Jessica's adoptive sister has gone from being an abused daughter to an aspiring hero in just two seasons and now it looks like she's finally fulfilling her dream in Jessica Jones Season 3.

The new featurette for Jessica Jones Season 3 puts the focus on Trish as she embraces her new powers. Rachael Taylor, who plays the character in the show, explains that the final season is "about 'What is a hero and who gets to decide' and Trish and Jessica end up having very different opinions."

Taylor also points out that Trish has always wanted to have powers, unlike her sister. Trish's obsession with becoming a hero doesn't rest well with Jessica but the private investigator clearly has no problem with revealing that her sister has new superpowers. At one point, Jessica throws Trish out a window and their mother is completely shocked to see that her daughter has landed on her feet.

There is little doubt that this is proof that Trish will eventually become Hellcat but it also seems to reveal that the sisters will find themselves on opposite sides. One scene shows Jessica and Trish in a fight right after Jess declares, "You can't beat me."

Will Trish use her new powers for good or will she end up being the new villain opposite her own sister? Can Hellcat truly take on Jessica? Unfortunately, it looks like the only way to find out is to wait for the final season.

Jessica Jones Season 3 premieres on Netflix on June 14.

Related: Jessica Confronts Trish About Hellcat Persona In Jessica Jones Season 3 Clip