With Morbius slated for release in a few months from now, the movie is said to be doing some reshoots. Set photos from the film have gone around early this week which were presumed to be from the set of Venom 2. However, with lead star Jared Leto's latest post, this confirms that the images are actually from his upcoming movie.
Taking to Twitter, Leto shares a photo of him doing some research for his role. The actor is reading the issue of Marvel's Legion of Monsters, which seems to be from the limited series in 2011 by writer Dennis Hopeless and artist Juan Doe. You can check it out below.
Leto captioned the photo saying that he's "back on set," which essentially confirms that the movie is currently undergoing some reshoots. That being said, it isn't clear as to what scene they will be filming.
While reshoots have had a bad reputation from fans, this doesn't necessarily mean that the movie is having some problems. This could also pertain to filming some scenes with a slight tweak, adding b-rolls, and the like. After all, reshoots are basically a standard part of filming big projects like this movie.
The trailer for Morbius has been released last month which featured a Spider-Man Easter egg and a surprising cameo. There's a whole lot of theories that could potentially explain what exactly these mean but for now, fans could only wait and see until Morbius hits theaters on July 31.
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