As the release date of The Suicide Squad is drawing near, the spinoff series Peacemaker is moving forward with its January 2022 launch date. It will star movie star and former WWE champion John Cena in the titular role.
Peacemaker is a spin-off series spearheaded by James Gunn. Peacemaker is an alumnus of The Suicide Squad which takes place in the DC Extended Universe. It focuses on the origins of the hero, which Gunn described as the superhero, supervillain, and world's biggest douchebag, during the show's original press release on HBO Max.
Gunn is well-known for his work on Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. He is also the executive producer on Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. Gunn's name has become synonymous with the blockbuster superhero film industry. Additionally, aside from The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker, Gunn teased other projects under DC. The director is still set to write and direct Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
In the latest interview with the Den of Geek, Gunn revealed what it has been like to transition from films to television with his Peacemaker.
He stated that the inspiration for Peacemaker was the "shitty" 1970s Captain America TV shows that Gunn loved as a child. He added that Peacemaker exemplifies many things about society, especially politically, and people's beliefs about America and the world.
As for his transition, Gunn was enticed by the nostalgia and freedom of television. The director revealed that he may shift his focus again. He continued to say that he can see himself making TV shows after Guardians 3 which is a huge possibility for him.
James Gunn Prefers the Freedom of Working in Television
As the release date of The Suicide Squad is drawing near, the spinoff series Peacemaker is moving...
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