James Cameron dedicated his life to the Avatar franchise, as he is not only producing one sequel, Avatar: The Way of Water. In fact, after having drafted an entire expansion of the world of Pandora, his script is seemingly enough to extend to Avatar 3, 4 and 5! In one of those next Avatar films, it will actually feature the Na’vi outside of Pandora, leaving for earth.
While plot details are being kept under wraps regarding the 4th and 5th, James Cameron shares in Disney’s early notes on his Avatar franchise scripts. Check out what Cameron shares on Collider below:
“I can’t tell you the details, but all I can say is that when I turned in the script for [Avatar: The Way of Water], the studio gave me three pages of notes. And when I turned in the script for [Avatar 3], they gave me a page of notes, so I was getting better. When I turned in the script for [Avatar 4], the studio executive, creative executive over the films wrote me an email that said, ‘Holy fuck.’”
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Seeing as the first look reactions from Disney’s executives had implied their anticipation for the film, as well as Sam Worthington for the soon releasing sequel, James Cameron’s goal of breaking box office records doesn’t seem so far away now.
Avatar producer Jon Landau also recently confirmed that the plot for Avatar 5 will be heading to planet Earth. Since majority of the franchise is set in Pandora, this will be a brand new look on the Na’vi, especially on Neytiri, who is expected to be one of the main focuses of the film. Check out what Landau tells io9 below:
“In [Avatar 5], there is a section of the story where we go to Earth. And we go to it to open people’s eyes, open Neytiri’s eyes, to what exists on Earth. Earth is not just represented by the RDA (Resources Development Administration).”
Landau adds that this will open Neytiri and the other Na’vi’s eyes that not all humans are like the RDA, out there to exploit their territory, just as not all Na’vi are good. “We want to expose Neytiri to that.”
Meanwhile, Avatar: The Way of Water premieres on December 16, 2022.