Avengers: Endgame was one of the biggest movies of the year, and after its rerelease, the film finally managed to beat Avatar to become Hollywood's highest-grossing movie of all time. While Marvel fans might expect Avatar director James Cameron to be disappointed by the news, the filmmaker says that he actually felt a sense of relief that Endgame managed to beat his movie.
Speaking in an interview with Deadline, Cameron was asked about how he felt about Joe and Anthony Russo's latest Avengers movie beating Avatar at the box office.
Not only does the filmmaker say that Endgame's win gives him a sense of relief, but he also says that it gives him a lot of hope.
"Avengers: Endgame is demonstrable proof that people will still go to movie theatres," Cameron explained, "The thing that scared me most about making Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 was that the market might have shifted so much that it simply was no longer possible to get people that excited about going and sitting in a dark room with a bunch of strangers to watch something."
It does make sense. It's been a while since Avatar was released, and it's taken years for a film to surpass the science fiction epic at the box office. Cameron is currently working on the sequels for Avatar, and it's understandable to see the filmmaker unsure of whether or not Avatar 2 or Avatar 3 might have the same reception as the original movie. Hopefully, fans are going to be as eager for the Avatar follow-ups.
Avengers: Endgame is available on Digital HD, Blu-Ray, and DVD.
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