The Honor Student at Magic High School is from the spin-off manga of the web series of The Irregular at Magic High School by Yu Mori. The anime adaptation is currently airing and with the mother show already having a solid fanbase, many are asking about the current status of the print version and whether it is already complete, finished, or still ongoing.
The story follows a reversal of the plot and the circumstances of its mother series. It is a complete re-tell of The Irregular at Magic High School in the perspective of Miyuki Shiba, the sister of Tatsuya. It will feature how Miyuki would actually hone her powers and abilities as she focuses on her daily life in school, plus who her friends are and how they would help her character progress.
Funimation officially streamsThe Honor Student at Magic High School and they offer one week of early access to the episodes through an active subscription with the rate of $5.99 per month or $59.99 a year. There is no confirmation yet as to the English dubbed version of the anime series. As confirmed by the release of its DVD and Blu-ray, The Honor Student at Magic High School would have 13 episodes.
Is The Honor Student at Magic High School Manga Complete, Finished, or Ongoing?
The Honor Student at Magic High School is based on Yu Mori's spin-off manga series from the mother web series of The Irregular at Magic High School. It was first released on April 27, 2012, and it continued until July 27, 2020. The first season concluded already but thankfully, in February 2021, a second season has been announced and it will have a new artist. That means the manga is still ongoing.
It has 11 volumes that have the events of the Enrolment Arc and the Nine Schools Competition Arc. As for the anime adaptation, it is currently on the later. The first English version of the manga series was released by Yen Press on November 17, 2015.
The Honor Student at Magic High School releases weekly on Funimation at 11:30 PM JST/ 7:30 AM PT/ 9:30 AM CT/ 10:30 AM EST/ 2:30 PM BST.