Dragon Ball Super is a 131-episode anime that was released from July 2015 to March 2018. It was followed by a movie, titled Dragon Ball Super: Broly, in 2018, and a second film, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, which was released in June 2022. But is the Dragon Ball Super manga finished or ongoing?
The manga is illustrated by Toyotarou and written by Akira Toriyama. It is a sequel to the original Dragon Ball series that focuses on the 10-year time skip after Majin Buu was defeated.
Despite the new movie in 2022, there are still other supporters who are waiting for a continuation of the anime.
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Is the Dragon Ball Super Manga Finished or Ongoing?
The good news is that the Dragon Ball Super manga is still ongoing. The anime finished at the Universal Survival arc.
There are no hints that the manga is ending, which is good news for fans of Dragon Ball.
As of this update, the Dragon Ball Super manga is inching toward its 100th chapter.
The manga is currently in its 7th saga called the Super Hero Saga. This saga narrates the adventures of Goten and Trunks as they protect the peace of their city.
As a prequel to the story of the acclaimed film Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, it unveils the events leading up to the movie.
The key characters featured in this arc are Piccolo, Pan, Goku, Trunks, Goten, Mai, Krillin, Gamma 1, Gamma 2, Cell Max, Dr. Hedo, and Magenta.
Where to Read the Dragon Ball Super Manga Online
Those who are planning to catch up on the manga can access it on Viz's website as it releases an English version of the manga.
The first three chapters and the three latest chapters are free on the website. Those who wish to read the entire manga will have to subscribe first.
One thing to note, though, is that the manga adds a new chapter once a month, unlike other manga.
In this case, manga readers will have to wait each month for a single chapter.
While that could be sad news for some, Dragon Ball Super has more pages as compared to a weekly manga, which explains why it only releases once per month.
If an average manga has 17 pages, Dragon Ball Super has upwards of 20.
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