A new anime adaptation of the popular Spice and Wolf light novel series titled Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf is premiering soon. But is Spice and Wolf a romance anime? Let’s explore the genre of this popular series.
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What Is Spice and Wolf About?
Spice and Wolf revolves around Kraft Lawrence, a lonely traveling merchant.
Moving from one town to another with only his horse, cart, and whatever goods he possesses, Lawrence has grown accustomed to his routine. But one fateful night, he discovers a sleeping wolf goddess in his cart.
Assuming the guise of a beautiful girl with wolf-like features, Holo grows tired of her duties tending to rural harvests and strikes a deal with the merchant.
She offers her skills as Holo the Wisewolf to boost Lawrence's profits in exchange for accompanying him on his journeys.
However, Lawrence quickly discovers that having a goddess as a travel companion comes with its own set of challenges.
Thus begins Lawrence and Holo's exciting adventure together.
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Is Spice and Wolf a Romance Anime?
The Spice and Wolf anime first premiered in 2008 and was produced by the studio Imagin.
The series primarily revolves around romance, while also incorporating elements of adventure, drama, and fantasy, which are all central to Spice and Wolf's storyline.
Holo and Lawrence’s relationship in the series develops into romance, which develops naturally.
They had a rocky start in the series, with Holo flirting with him while he dismissed her advances.
Eventually, Lawrence mellows down and becomes friendlier with Holo. Moreover, he is seen opening up to Holo about life and friendship.
In the upcoming remake Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf, it will be interesting to see how Holo and Lawrence are depicted.
Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf will premiere on April 1, 2024. It will be available to stream on Crunchyroll for most international regions, such as the US, UK, and Europe.
Are you excited to see Holo and Lawrence return in the new Spice and Wolf anime? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.