MAPPA has added a new sports anime to their roster titled Re-Main, a water polo anime original written by Masafumi Nishida and directed by Kiyoshi Matsuda.
This Summer 2021 show follows the story of Minato Kiyomizu, an incredible water polo player. In junior high, he was known as a part of Shogaku's Elite Four. After a tournament, his family got caught in a car accident which left him unconscious for a total of 203 days and missing three years' worth of his memories.
Now entering high school, Minato decides to try to play water polo again as part of trying to get his life back together.
So, where can you watch Re-Main?
Is Re-Main on Crunchyroll?
Unfortunately, Re-Main is not available on Crunchyroll. However, they do air other Summer 2021 series such as Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S, That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime Season 2, and Girlfriend, Girlfriend.
Is Re-Main on Netflix?
Unfortunately, Re-Main is not on Netflix either. Since they usually stream series once the season is finished, we may have to wait until all the episodes have aired before it comes to Netflix.
Is Re-Main on Hulu?
Re-Main is only available on Hulu Japan so far. With this, it's likely that Hulu US will stream the series soon.
Related: Original Water Polo Anime RE-MAIN Introduces Cast Members in New Trailer
Is Re-Main on Funimation?
Yes, Re-Main is available on Funimation with English subtitles. There are no updates yet regarding an English dub. A premium subscription plan starts at $5.99 a month or $59.99 annually. They also offer 14-day free trials.
Where Else Can I Watch Re-Main?
As of writing, Re-Main is only available on Funimation. Stay tuned for updates if the series will be streamed on another platform.