The Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid manga was serialized in Futabasha's Monthly Action magazine in 2013. Seven Seas Entertainment acquired a license in North America. It was followed by four spin-off manga that was serialized in Monthly Action as well. Eventually, an anime adaptation was released in Japan in 2017. The second season of the series was released in 2021.
It centers on Kobayashi who is a programmer and office worker. She was welcomed by a large dragon in her front door that transformed into a human girl named Tohru. What Kobayashi didn't remember was that the night before, she had a drunken excursion into the mountains wherein she encountered a dragon. She removed the sword from the dragon which earned her gratitude.
Is Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Manga Complete, Finished, or Ongoing?
Kobayashi-san Chi no Meidoragon is still ongoing. Even the four spin-off series are ongoing. The first spin-off is called Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Kanna's Daily Life, followed by Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Elma's Office Lady Diary.
When the fourth volume of the manga was released, the anime adaptation was announced. Crunchyroll decided to simulcast it for fans of the manga while Funimation decided to release an English dubbed version by 2017. Once the eighth volume was released, season 2 of the series was announced.
About Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
After Kobayashi earned Tohru's gratitude, Kobayashi offered Tohru to stay at her home considering she doesn't have a place to stay. She then offered the dragon to be her personal maid which the other agreed.
What Kobayashi didn't know is that Tohru is not efficient with housework and would give the programmer more trouble. This is not the only issue as Tohru seemed to attract other mythical beings like gods and other dragons to her new home. One of these is Kanna who asked Kobayashi to return Tohru to them. In the end, Kobayashi discovered that Kanna was exiled and had no place to stay so she asked Kanna to stay with them as well. The three of them form their own family as they continued living together.
Get the latest update on the series here.
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