The first season of the Aija-do Animation works shÅnen show Kemono Jihen might be short at only 12 episodes, but both the anime and the ongoing manga are fun, heartwarming, and full of suspense. The story follows occult specialist Inugami and his young wards, Kabane, Akira, and Shiki as they solve mysteries and restore harmony between humans and supernatural beings. The show has been praised for its characterization and opening theme. Here's how to watch Kemono Jihen:
Is Kemono Jihen on Netflix?
Unfortunately, Kemono Jihen is not on Netflix for the time being. As a rule of thumb, Netflix in the US and Europe become home to shows that are available to be binged at once, rather than ongoing works. Of course, Netflix keeps expanding its anime library, so this could change in the future.
Meanwhile, Beastars Season 2 is currently aired on Netflix Japan and will come to American Netflix this July.
Is Kemono Jihen on Hulu?
As of March 2021, Kemono Jihen can't be streamed on Hulu. If Hulu is your streaming platform of choice, however, why not check out other ongoing anime that is available on Hulu, such as Mushoku Tenseiand The Promised Neverland Season 2?
Is Kemono Jihen on Crunchyroll?
Unfortunately for those who prefer Crunchyroll over Funimation, Kemono Jihen hasn't made it to their favorite streaming platform as of March 2021. However, Crunchyroll has a wide range of titles so you're bound to find one for you. That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime and Fruits Basket (the third season of which will start being aired this April) are on Crunchyroll.
Is Kemono Jihen on Funimation?
Funimation is currently the best way to stream Kemono Jihen. For the US, Canada, and Europe, new episodes become available every Sunday. Premium Funimation users can stream episodes immediately after release. Those who stream for free will have to wait one week to watch the newest episode.
Unsure about the paid plans of Funimation? If so, you can try the 14-day free trial and see if it's for you. Paid plans start from $5.99 per month. Alternatively, you can stream for free with ads.
Kemono Jihen might be a short anime at only 12 episodes, but there's plenty of material for a second season should the creators so decide.
Jujutsu Kaisen and Wonder Egg Priority are some other great ongoing anime you might want to check out.