CloverWorks' recently released Horimiya has been a beloved animated series early on as more and more are getting hooked with the high school romance of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura. The animated series is based on the manga series of the same name.
The story of Horimiya goes around Kyouko Hori, an amiable girl admired for her academic prowess, and Izumi Miyamura, a gentle loner who has no friends in school. Both have sides they chose to hide under their skin and upon crossing paths, the two built a relationship forged with trust and acceptance.
Hori and Miyamura's relationship progresses every episode and many are getting invested as to how their relationship will grow deeper as they unveil their true selves and embrace each other's hidden side by slowly accepting who they are and who the other is.
Since the release of the animated series and as the audience of Horimiya grows, the readers of the manga series did as well. Many have been wondering regarding the status of the manga on whether it has been complete or is it still ongoing.
Recently, it is reported that Horimiya Manga has officially concluded its serialization which means that Horimiya manga series ends after 9 years of being in circulation.
The latest of Horimiya was Volume 15 released last September 18, 2020, and that was only in Japanese. The last English volume released was Volume 14 which was last July 21, 2020.
Each volume of Horimiya contains 9 chapters with a range of 164 to 194 pages. The first release was on March 27, 2012, and it did not get an English release until October 27, 2015. In a year since 2012, Horimiya released two volumes each year but since 2020's atmosphere change, only one was released for the said year.
As per the English version of the manga, it takes months to release after the Japanese release. Given that the last Japanese release was September 18, 2020, it could take half a year to almost one year before getting the manga released in English.
Currently, the English version of Volume 15 has yet to have a release date. What is only confirmed is that the manga series recently concluded
For now, the animated series is getting its weekly release. Horimiya airs every Sunday via Funimation at 10:30 PM EST/ 12:30 PM JST.