Dragon Ball fans tuned into Toei Animation's San Diego Comic-Con at Home panel to witness the grand teaser unveiling of the franchise's next feature film. During the panel, it was officially announced that the next and second-ever film in the "Super" series will be titled Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
Key details about the project were not disclosed but fans can expect several design changes for characters such as Krillin, Piccolo, and Pan all made by original creator Akira Toriyama. The panel, which featured appearances by executive producers Akio Iyoku and Norihiro Hayashida, as well as Goku voice actor Masako Nozawa hyped up the arrival of a new "unnamed" character.
As odd as the title sounds, some fans believe that "Super Hero" is a subtle hint at the return of Gohan's superhero alter ego aka The Great Saiyaman. The character made its official debut in the Dragon Ball world seven years after the Cell Games as Gohan officially enters High School. The original Great Saiyaman arc was short-lived but the character was able to generate a cult following through the years and since then, he has made sporadic appearances in several Dragon Ball media.
Also Read:Dragon Ball Super Movie Reveals Official Title at Comic-Con
With Gohan and Videl seemingly the main focus of the 2022 feature film, along with their daughter Pan, it's safe to assume that the beloved Great Saiyaman will indeed show up in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. The real question is, what exactly led to his triumphant return? As it stands, we still know very little about the project so it's hard to tell what actually happens in the film.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is slated for release sometime in 2022. Toei Animation hasn't announced any plans for a new season of Dragon Ball Super yet, but you can read more details about potential new episodes here.
Is Dragon Ball Super's 2022 Movie Title Hinting at Return of Great Saiyaman?
Dragon Ball fans tuned in Toei Animation's San Diego Comic-Con at Home panel to witness the grand...