Aquatope of White Sand is a 24-episodeslice of life anime by studio P. A. Works, that will transfer you to beautiful Okinawa this summer. In this beautifully animated series, we follow Fuuka, a former idol, and Kukuru, a high-school student with a passion for aquatic life, as they try to save the Gama Gama Aquarium. But what is the best place to watch Aquatope of White Sand online?
Is Aquatope of White Sand on Netflix?
Unfortunately, Aquatope of White Sand isn't available to watch on Netflix for the time being. While Netflix Japan is home to several ongoing works, this is usually not the case outside of Asia. Of course, the anime could become available on Netflix at some point after completion.
If you're looking for anime to watch on Netflix Beastars is an interesting option, while titles such as Violet Evergarden and the Ghibli films are great for slice-of-life fans!
Is Aquatope of White Sand on Hulu?
Aquatope of White Sand is currently not on Hulu. Thankfully, Hulu's library is among the richest, including lovely titles such as Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Death Note.
Is Aquatope of White Sand on Crunchyroll?
Yes! In fact, Crunchyroll is the best place to watch Aquatope of White Sand online with English subtitles. New episodes air every Thursday and a premium subscription starts from $7.99 per month. No dub is currently available, but we'll update this space if this changes.
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Is Aquatope of White Sand on Funimation?
Funimation is home to many of the best anime of Summer 2021, but, unfortunately, Aquatope of White Sand isn't included for the time being. If you use Funimation as your primary means of watching anime, why not check out works such as The Detective Is Already Dead and The Duke of Death and His Maid instead?