Ozark and Inventing Anna star Julia Garner is tapped to play the legendary pop star, Madonna, in the upcoming biopic. According to a report from Variety, Garner stands as a frontrunner for the part among the other A-list candidates. Others that were eyed for the role include Black Widow's Florence Pugh, Euphoria's Alexa Demie, Mothering Sunday's Odessa Young, and Mayor of Kingstown's Emma Laird. The upcoming biopic is under Universal Pictures, with Amy Pascal seated as producer. The iconic pop star herself is also set to direct the forthcoming film.
"I want to convey the incredible journey that life has taken me on as an artist, a musician, a dancer — a human being, trying to make her way in this world," Madonna said after the upcoming biopic was announced. "The focus of this film will always be music. Music has kept me going and art has kept me alive. There are so many untold and inspiring stories and who better to tell it than me. It's essential to share the roller coaster ride of my life with my voice and vision."
"This movie is an absolute labor of love for me," producer Amy Pascal added. "I have known Madonna since we made 'A League of Their Own' together, and I can't imagine anything more thrilling than collaborating with her and Diablo on bringing her true-life story to the big screen with Donna and our partners at Universal."
The 28-year-old actress is one of the most promising actresses in our generation after starring in two Netflix hits, Ozark and Inventing Anna series. Garner’s performance was praised by fans, most especially with her remarkable portrayal of Anna Delvey, a controversial con artist. For now, whether Garner accepted the part or not remains unknown.
The upcoming Madonna biopic hasn't yet announced any release date window and is still rounding up with the casting.
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