Iman Vellani recently made her triumphant MCU debut with the Disney+ show Ms. Marvel as Kamala Khan, a superhero-obsessed Pakistani-American teenager who stumbled upon a mystical bangle that granted her cosmic abilities. Although Kamala's own adventure has now ended, she is set to return in the upcoming Captain Marvel sequel, The Marvels, joining Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) and Carol Danvers (Brie Larson).
Aside from that jaw-breaking X-Men mutant reference, Ms. Marvel's ending saw Kamala seemingly switching places with Captain Marvel appearing totally confused with the situation. Thankfully, this whole cliffhanger was intended all along and will be divulged when Kamala meets Danvers in The Marvels. Now, knowing that Kamala is a die-hard Captain Marvel fan, it's hard not to wonder how she will react when she meets the glorious Marvel hero.
In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Ms. Marvel star Iman Vellani teased some bits about Kamala's inclusion in The Marvels, revealing that Kamala would help bring the group together. Check out Vellani's full quote below:
"I think she has certain expectations about what this teamwork should look like, you know, from the comics and all these stories that she hears about the Avengers. So, it's not exactly what she dreamed it was gonna be, so I think Kamala's kind of the glue of the group and holds these guys together."
One thing we learned from Kamala in the Disney+ series Ms. Marvel is that she's very optimistic and extremely eager to be a superhero, just like her icon, Captain Marvel. But what if Danvers isn't as great as she expected to be? You know what they say, never meet your heroes. Nonetheless, with Vellani's tease that Ms. Marvel would be the key to keeping the trio together, fans can definitely expect a massive maturity in the character.
The Marvels will premiere in theaters on July 28, 2023.
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