Star Wars: The Clone Wars is still an excellent animated series and fans are really happy with how the final season is panning out. The Disney+ show has made many Star Wars fans feel butterflies in their stomachs when they watch, though fans have noticed that recent episodes have felt more cinematic than ever. Well, according to The Clone Wars actor Sam Witwer, Dave Filoni has been inspired by his work on The Mandalorian and brought it to his animated baby.
Witwer spoke with Star Wars Holocron where the Darth Maul actor revealed just how Filoni's experience has influenced The Clone Wars, pointing out how the script feels more cinematic and the inclusion of Ray Park. As many fans know, the original Darth Maul is going to do some motion-capture for Maul, which should give us an epic showdown when the character finally takes on Ahsoka Tano.
"Funny enough, Dave Filoni's live action experience definitely played into this final arc, because this final arc is more of a film read in terms of the vocal stuff that I was doing. I was like, ‘This is how I would do it if I were shooting it and Ray Park was on the set. This is how I would go about it."
The only bad thing about Maul appearing in The Clone Wars is that we all know he lives until Star Wars Rebels. In the end, Maul was eventually killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi in a quick, yet satisfying manner but seeing him alive is such a treat. There's no doubt that the character is more compelling than we gave him credit for and a lot of that is due to Filoni.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars and The Mandalorian air weekly on Disney+.
Read: Star Wars Voice Actor Sam Witwer Hints at Maul's Original Role in Solo