Spice and Wolf, the popular fantasy anime, returned with a new series titled Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf as part of the spring 2024 anime lineup. As the series airs, anime viewers are curious to know how tall Holo is in Spice and Wolf.
So, here’s every main character’s age and height in Spice and Wolf explained.
Holo’s Age and Height in Spice and Wolf
Holo is a wolf spirit and one of the main characters in Spice and Wolf. She is shown as someone who is ageless because of her nonhuman traits.
However, she is believed to be over 600 years old. Interestingly, she can take the form of a 15-year-old girl because of her powers.
Since she can transform her body, Holo’s height remains undisclosed in Spice and Wolf.
But in her true form, which is that of a massive wolf, she is shown as slightly bigger than an elephant.
Elsewhere, in her human form, Holo is depicted as a slender 15-year-old girl with red eyes, but her height is not revealed.
Interestingly, fans believe that she might be two heads shorter than Kraft Lawrence, so roughly around 4’3.3” or 132 cm tall, but this is just a rough estimate.
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Kraft Lawrence’s Age and Height in Spice and Wolf
Now, coming to Lawrence, he is introduced as a 25-year-old traveling merchant.
In Spice and Wolf VR2, a VR animation project on Steam, Lawrence is depicted as being 34-35 years old. In the series, Lawrence is 5’10” (177 cm) tall.
Lawrence is an average-built man, and his distinguishing features include short silver hair, with spiky bangs framing his face on both sides.
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Theories around Myuri’s Age and Height in Spice and Wolf
Myuri, the daughter of Holo and Lawrence, takes the lead role in Wolf and Parchment: New Theory Spice and Wolf.
Like Holo, Myuri is ageless, but in her human form, she is 12 to 13-years-old.
Meanwhile, Myuri’s height remains unknown in the Spice and Wolf series.
Since she is Holo’s offspring, Myuri has the power to transform and take different forms.
Are you watching the new Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf anime? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!