In the Tomodachi Game anime, Yuichi successfully manipulates people and uses them to his advantage. With all the secrets that suddenly slap his face here and there from his friends, Yuichi needs to find the Tomodachi Game's real traitor by playing dirty amidst the series of games. So, how smart is Katagiri Yuichi in Tomodachi Game?
Will he ever beat the games and expose the truth?
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Who is Katagiri Yuichi in Tomodachi Game?
Katagiri Yuichi is the main protagonist of Tomodachi Game.
He is a broke high schooler who worked his butt off delivering newspapers and doing odd jobs to finance his needs. He is also an orphaned young boy who lives alone in a run-down apartment.
Yuichi is known to be a lazy and laid-back student at school. Sawaragi Shiho frequently chastises him for his procrastination and bad habits, which he dismisses with a smile.
His classmates do not perceive Yuichi as an orphaned teenager who works hard to survive in the real world. This is one of the reasons why almost all of his classmates suspected him of stealing the money for their class trip.
Despite this, Yuichi appears to be approachable and friendly to his friends. He frequently listens to their rants and even attempts to comprehend them. However, things began to change after Yuichi became involved in a money game.
Little is known about Yuichi's past. He is very enigmatic and does not reveal much about himself to anyone. So far, we know that Yuichi has killed people in the past.
Reading the manga, you should understand more about his upbringing and the life challenges that shaped his mentality and personality.
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How Smart is Katagiri Yuichi in Tomodachi Game?
Katagiri Yuichi is an objectively brilliant individual in Tomodachi Game. He is also one of the smartest people to have ever carried his whole team to survive and clear the games.
According to the Tomodachi Game administration, he is one of the most intriguing and dangerous players they have ever invited to the games. He is not only uncontrollable but also unpredictable.
Having Yuichi in the games is one of the biggest mistakes they've ever made in their history.
Katagiri Yuichi is very manipulative in the eyes of his friends, to the point where he can easily use everyone to his advantage.
He can analyze and assess a situation in order to devise spontaneous plans that will entice everyone into his trap. This simply means that Yuichi is always two steps ahead of everyone on his team.
Death Note's Light Yagami is similar to Katagiri Yuichi. They both have anti-villain charisma, cold and ruthless personalities, as well as, twisted and manipulative minds. However, both of them have a certain kindness that comes from within them from time to time.
In a nutshell, Katagiri Yuichi is a deranged individual who can pull the strings in Tomodachi Game.
Under his friendly exterior hides a very dangerous man who is well-versed in human nature, betrayal, and deception. He is a skilled conman who can manipulate people's minds and emotions in any situation.