The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 has returned with its anime adaptation after a three-year layoff in the isekai anime scene. With that said, Raphtalia, Naofumi's formidable yet charming blade, is here to steal the show once more. We saw Raphtalia's accelerated aging in Season 1 as Naofumi trained her from one place to another. Since then, fans have been discussing Raphtalia's age in The Rising of the Shield Hero.
There are numerous factors to consider because she is not a human who ages naturally. Her ancestors are raccoons and tanuki, and she is a demi-human. As a result, aging differs greatly between species. In any case, Naofumi, Raphtalia, Filo, and the rest of the crew have returned to put an end to the mysterious waves that are wreaking havoc on Melromarc and the rest of the world.
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Who is Raphtalia in The Rising of the Shield Hero?
Raphtalia is the first true companion of the Shield Hero, Naofumi, after the latter was cast by the King of Melromarc for alleged sexual assault on her daughter, Myne. She is a slave sold to the slave merchant, Beloukas, by the Melromarc nobleman, Idol Rabier.
Naofumi proceeded to buy the cheapest slave under the guise of Raphtalia. They are initially bound by the power of the slave crest, which causes Raphtalia pain whenever she defies Naofumi's orders. While they started out as strangers at the beginning of the anime, their friendship and trust grow as Naofumi and Raphtalia prove their loyalty to one another.
She is descended from the raccoon and tanuki races in the demi-human seaside village of Lurolona. Raphtalia's parents died after the waves centered on their village, sacrificing their lives in the onslaught for Raphtalia's safety.
Why Does Raphtalia Age So Fast in The Rising of the Shield Hero?
Technically, the world setting of The Rising of the Shield Hero is similar to that of any MMORPG game in which levels are more important than age. This essentially applies to Raphtalia and the rest of the monsters and entities in the Rising of the Shield Hero's world.
Raphtalia appears to be a child in the first half of Season one, but after a few days of training and levelling with Naofumi, she transforms into a full-fledged young adult.
Demi-humans, it turns out, have the ability to mature as their level increases. Their bodies mysteriously transform from child to young adult in a matter of moments, depending on their levels and status adjustments. If Raphtalia's friend, Keel, is able to go through the same training Raphtalia did, it is possible that Keel will also have been through the same thing.
This is also similar to Pokemon evolutions. A trainer captures a Pokemon and embarks on an exciting journey of levelling and gaining experience. If the Pokemon reaches a certain level cap, it will evolve into a stronger version of itself, as evidenced by its appearance, unless the Pokemon chooses not to evolve, as Pikachu did.
How Old is Raphtalia in The Rising of the Shield Hero?
Raphtalia is only 10 years old, but she has the brains and body of a 17 to 18-year-old, according to research. Raphtalia believes she is not emotionally grown yet, but in terms of good reasoning, critical thinking, and physique, she is on par with Naofumi. Although it should be noted that even in the light novel of The Rising of the Shield Hero, the author ambiguously omitted the facts about Raphtalia's age.
Raphtalia's maturation in The Rising of the Shield Hero is the culmination of all of her dark experiences prior to meeting Naofumi. She has been kidnapped by slave traders, beaten, and tortured to death alongside her friend Rafina in the midst of the terrifying world. While she lacks a lot of life experience, she more than makes up for it with her skills as a hard-working sword for Naofumi.
Will Raphtalia’s Level Reset in The Rising of the Shield Hero?
If you want to avoid light novel spoilers, stop reading after this sentence.
Raphtalia's level was reset during one of the events in the light novel of the same name. This is in reference to Raphtalia's journey across the Glass World. In case you missed it, the Glass World is the known name of the world that is fused with Raphtalia's world across dimensional rifts.
Raphtalia has reverted to her child-self, according to L'Arc, after her level in the Glass World was reset. As a result, she decides to grind alone in order to attain her grownup phase before rejoining Naofumi.
Light novel readers are eagerly anticipating the level reset in Season 2 of The Rising of the Shield Hero. The use of dragon hourglasses can be used to reset levels, albeit the mechanism is currently unknown. In fact, enthusiasts suggest that in the universe of Shield Hero, level reset is a good punishment for criminals.
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