The Seven Deadly Sins, produced by Studio DEEN, is a high fantasy isekai anime where the characters have complexities and multi-layered mythologies of a band of knights in Britannia, one disbanded a decade ago, who was framed for a coup versus the Liones Kingdom, only to find out that the coup was brought by the Holy Knights, manipulated by a demon, Fraudrin.
The third princess of Liones, Princess Elizabeth Lioness, pursued to convince the Seven Deadly Sins through their leader, Meliodas, to be able to clear the tainted names and liberate the kingdom of Liones from the Holy Knights, used by Fraudrin, for which the purpose is to unseal the Demon Race from being imprisoned.
The Seven Deadly Sins stood against the Ten Commandments which was led by the brother of Meliodas, Zeldris, and the fight revealed something more, Meliodas' true identity – Meliodas is the cursed son of the Demon King, with destiny intertwined intimately with Elizabeth.
The Seven Deadly Sins is based on the Japanese fantasy shōnen manga series of Nakaba Suzuki which was published in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine where the chapters were compiled within forty-one tankōbon volumes and it ran from October 2012 and concluded in the 2020 issue #17 of Weekly Shōnen Magazine in March 2020.
The Seven Deadly Sins also has two original video animations (OVA) which is titled Ban's Additional Chapter which included the 15th volume of the manga, and the second composed of nine shorts with the limited edition of the 16th volume of the manga. Both OVAs were released in 2015.
Netflix holds the official streaming rights of The Seven Deadly Sins where the fifth season of the anime series, The Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon's Judgement, is offered in its original Japanese dub with English subtitles. For the fifth season, there is no confirmation yet as to when will there be an English dub for this season.
The previous seasons are available in Netflix where the available dubbed languages are English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and German. The titles of the previous seasons are as follows: The Seven Deadly Sins, The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy War, The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments, and The Seven Deadly Sins: Imperial Wrath of the Gods.
There has been a change of production studios holding the anime series. Originally, and for the first few seasons, A-1 Pictures produced the anime series. It was later turned over to Studio DEEN for production from The Seven Deadly Sins: Imperial Wrath of the Gods season until the present.
Currently, in its fifth season, The Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon's Judgement has lined up 24 episodes. The series' fifth season will be a not be split-cour which means that there would be no three-month TV broadcast block or break, unlike the previous seasons.
Originally, The Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon's Judgement was supposed to be Anger's Judgment but the official title which was released was the former. It was supposed to air last year but due to the coronavirus pandemic, the fifth season was released last January 6, 2021.
The Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon's Judgement airs weekly via Netflix every Wednesday at 5:55 AM JST/ 3:55 PM EST.
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